Immediate Immersion Blog

Comprehension-based instruction in the Modern-Language Classroom.

Teaching with Comprehensible Input: Mastering the Sweet 16 Verbs with Gestures

Unlock the power of gestural communication to teach the Sweet 16 Verbs with Comprehensible Input. This comprehensive guide will help you master the art of using gestures to effectively teach essential verbs to your students.

Top 10 Tips for Providing Great Comprehensible Input

Check out our Top 10 Tips for Providing Great Comprehensible Input. Our expert tips will help you engage and inspire your students, making language learning more accessible and enjoyable. Read on to discover the Top 10 Tips for Providing Great Comprehensible Input today.

Top 5 CI Mistakes

Today, I’ve got my top 5 mistakes you want to avoid in your language classroom. Are you making any of these mistakes? I know I have!

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Supercharge Learning with Easy, Innovative Feedback Strategies

Discover three simple, innovative feedback strategies that boost student learning. Learn how to provide timely feedback, incorporate student self-assessment, and leverage technology for fast, personalized responses. Easy steps for teachers to see real results!

Empower Every Learner: Embrace Neurodiversity in Language Teaching

Discover easy, practical strategies to embrace neurodiversity in language teaching! Learn how small changes can empower every learner, boost engagement, and improve outcomes for all students with actionable tips you can apply today.

Conquer Digital Distractions: Simple Techniques for Classroom Success

Discover simple yet powerful strategies to conquer digital distractions in the classroom. Learn how to implement effective techniques and overcome common challenges to maintain student focus and participation. Read more at

Effortless Techniques to Reduce Classroom Anxiety and Boost Learning

Discover effortless techniques to reduce classroom anxiety and boost learning. This article covers mindfulness, breathing exercises, and more, offering practical steps and quick wins to create a calm, focused, and engaging learning environment for students.

Transform Advanced CI with Easy and Powerful Scaffolding Techniques

Discover effective and easy scaffolding techniques to transform your advanced CI classroom. Learn how to chunk texts, pre-teach vocabulary, model strategies, scaffold discussions, and gradually release responsibility for enhanced student success and engagement.

Top Comprehensible Input Techniques for Upper-Level Language Classes

Discover the top comprehensible input techniques to revolutionize your upper-level language classes. Learn how to engage students with deep conversations, authentic materials, speaking confidence, advanced writing, and accuracy strategies. Read now!