I don't know about you, but special needs students are some of my favorite students to teach. But finding what works for them can be challenging. Let's talk about different strategies to help make these amazing students more successful!
Let's Talk Grading!In this episode, we'll talk about best grading practices, how to streamline grading, and other easy-to-use grading tips!
In this episode we are talking songs in the CI classroom. How do I choose songs, how do I introduce songs, and what do I do with songs!
MovieTalk is a great way to provide comprehensible input in a fun and controlled manner! It's great for teachers who need a little help asking a story!
Homework seems to be a big topic: if and when to give it, what to assign, and how to assess. Join me LIVE! to talk about everything and anything homework!
Sub plans are never easy, but it's even more difficult for world-language teachers because we can't always be assured that the sub will speak the language we teach.So what are we to do? Watch this LIVE! episode and find out!