My Top 10, Go-To Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks are short cognitive breaks during a lesson to give students a short break from instruction so that they can easily refocus back on the lesson. In this video, I’ll be talking about my top 10, go-to brain breaks I use in my classroom.

TAs-Teachers' Little Helpers-Work Smarter, Not Harder

Student assistants can be a life-saver in the busy world of teaching. In this video, I'm going to show you how to maximize your student assistant so you can get more DONE!

How to Teach Culture in the Language Classroom

Culture is more than food and holidays! And arts and crafts don't lead to language acquisition. Join me to discuss different ways to incorporate culture in your language classroom.

How to Help Absent Students in the Language Classroom

In this episode of Immediate Immersion LIVE! we will talk about absent students, how to work with them, and what make-up work to give.

Setting Up your Proficiency-Based Grade Book for Success!

Join me and see how I set up my proficiency-based grade book for success!

Teaching Literacy in Language Classrooms

Literacy plays an important role in learning a second language.Join us LIVE! as we talk about how to engage your students in text so not only are they able to decode text but also as a stepping stone to writing.