Grading & Assessment

Grading & Assessment

Quick Writes - How to do Quick Writes in the comprehension-based classroom.

Quick Writes are an integral part of my classroom practice and they should be a part of yours too! There's nothing better than a quick write to measure a student's writing proficiency.

Do You Struggle with Assessing Conversations?

Do you struggle assessing interpersonal speaking? Let's face it, we all do from time to time. But I'm here to give you some tips so that you can quickly and easily assess interpersonal speaking in your language classroom starting tomorrow!

Reflections— A bit of metacognition.

Reflections are a great way to get kids thinking about their learning. And this metacognition can help students be more prepared for academic challenges.

How to Use Exit Tickets as Formative Assessment

Exit Tickets are a great form of formative assessment at the end of your daily lesson. I love exit tickets because they give tangible evidence of what students did or learned in class.

How do you use notebooks in your CI classroom?

Notebooks are an important part of my CI classroom. We use them daily for organization and recording of many of our daily tasks.

Immediate Immersion LIVE! — Let's Talk Grading!

Let's Talk Grading!In this episode, we'll talk about best grading practices, how to streamline grading, and other easy-to-use grading tips!