Ever found yourself staring at a pile of assessments, wondering if they're really doing their job?

You know, actually gauging what your students know without excluding anyone or making the whole process a dull, anxiety-inducing chore.

Yep, we've all been there.

Well, guess what?

We’ve got a cure for your assessment blues.

We’ve just dropped a brand-new YouTube video: "No Student Left Behind: Top 5 Inclusive Assessment Techniques."

And let me tell you, this isn't your run-of-the-mill educational content.

We're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of assessments—how to make them more inclusive, engaging, and, dare I say, fun?

What's in the Video?

  • Universal Design Principles: Unpacking the basics and showing you how to apply them.
  • Formative Assessments: Leveling the playing field and providing real-time feedback.
  • Student Choice: Empowering your students to take charge of their learning.
  • Culturally Responsive Strategies: Making everyone feel included, no matter their background.
  • Leveling and Scaffolding: Breaking tasks down so everyone can reach the top.

The video is jam-packed with actionable tips and real-world examples that you can start using today.

And hey, after watching, you might even start looking forward to creating your next assessment. Seriously!

Want to Dive Deeper?

If you love what you see (and we know you will), you can deep dive into all things assessment with our Assessment Academy.

So, are you ready to give your assessments the glow-up they deserve? Then head on over to our YouTube channel, smash that like button, and don't forget to subscribe for more killer content.

Catch you in the next video! 🎥