Scott Benedict

Scott Benedict

What's your favorite Music?

Share your answers to this week's Community Question!

Picture Talk - Worth a 1000 words.

PictureTalk is a great way to scaffold your story-asking until you are more comfortable with the process or as a fun activity to switch up and replace your story-asking every once in a while to keep things fresh!

Immediate Immersion LIVE! — Let's Talk Conversations!

Immediate Immersion LIVE! — Let's Talk Conversations!

What is your favorite item you've bought this year?

Share your answers to this week's Community Question!

MovieTalk — Simple Steps to Success!

MovieTalks are a great way to provide comprehensible input to your students. They scaffold the story-asking process for teachers and kids love them. Today I’ll talk about the 5 steps to a successful MovieTalk lesson that you can use in multiple levels.

Immediate Immersion LIVE! — Let's Talk Games!

Let's Talk Games!We all know out students love them. Join me and let's talk fun games that engage our students in learning and valuable input!