Scott Benedict

Scott Benedict

Creating CI from Textbook Texts

Stuck with using a textbook? Learn how to make CI magic from your textbook!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Share your answers to this week's community question!

Strategies for Effective Reading in the Modern Language Classroom

Reading is chock full of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure for students to acquire, and in this video, we'll talk about strategies for effective reading practices to harness all that potential and maximize textual input.

Lesson Plan Slides

I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for things that make my lesson planning easier without making it so rigid that I'm doing the exact same thing on the exact same day, year after year.

The Best Post-Story and Post-Reading Activities for the Modern Language Classroom

In this video, we will explore a variety of post-story and post-reading activities that you can do to maximize the effectiveness of your lessons and increase acquisition for your students!

What's your favorite Brain Break?

Share your answers to this week's community question!