

3 2 1 Reading-Scaffold Independent Reading with Whole-class Novels

Using my 3-2-1 Reading Strategy, students will be less reliant on the teacher for comprehension and will be well on their way to comprehending longer text on their own.

Kindergarten Day - A Fun Way to Share Reading with Students

Kindergarten Day is an idea from Susie Gross and it’s where the teacher reads a children’s picture book out loud to their students just like teachers do in elementary school.

Having Fun with PictureTalk

PictureTalk is a great way to break up the monotony or jump-start a class story! You can use funny pictures or even cultural pictures to teach some culture!

Reflections— A bit of metacognition.

Reflections are a great way to get kids thinking about their learning. And this metacognition can help students be more prepared for academic challenges.

Picture Talk - Worth a 1000 words.

PictureTalk is a great way to scaffold your story-asking until you are more comfortable with the process or as a fun activity to switch up and replace your story-asking every once in a while to keep things fresh!

MovieTalk — Simple Steps to Success!

MovieTalks are a great way to provide comprehensible input to your students. They scaffold the story-asking process for teachers and kids love them. Today I’ll talk about the 5 steps to a successful MovieTalk lesson that you can use in multiple levels.