Scott Benedict
Typically when we ask a story, we generally focus on three different verbs and that works great! But every once in a while there might be a need to really laser in on only one verb. This verb might be particularly difficult, particularly important, or one that students often mess up.
Conversations are a great way to connect with students! Conversations are real language and demonstrate both comprehension and production.
If you're new to comprehensible input, the transition can be scary! Many of us dislike change and changing to the unknown can be outright terrifying. But it doesn't have to be. Let me help you get started with comprehensible input with the least stress and frustration.
Literacy is such an important skill when it comes to language acquisition. Not only do we want our students to be able to speak the language, we also want them to be able to read and understand it.
Conversations are the first step in the Immediate Immersion Way. They are a way to get to know your students and build solid student relationships through the target language.
Parents sing and talk to their babies about the world around them. They keep vocabulary simple, but they don't shelter their grammar. They use whatever grammar is necessary to communicate their message. This is how they acquire the language, the vocabulary, and the grammar in context.