Scott Benedict

Scott Benedict

Reflections— A bit of metacognition.

Reflections are a great way to get kids thinking about their learning. And this metacognition can help students be more prepared for academic challenges.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

Share your answers to this week's Community Question!

Co-Creating Stories in Language Class!

In our second Back-to-Basics video, we will be talking about asking stories with your language classes.Stories are a great way to teach vocabulary and grammar in context while engaging your students with interactive language skills.

Knowledge vs Instinct— the tale of two brains.

I know that instinct and knowledge aren't the scientific terms for these two aspects of the brain. Bill VanPatten calls them implicit and explicit, but I think those terms, though scientifically correct, muddle the waters a bit and aren't as clear.

What's your favorite Music?

Share your answers to this week's Community Question!

Picture Talk - Worth a 1000 words.

PictureTalk is a great way to scaffold your story-asking until you are more comfortable with the process or as a fun activity to switch up and replace your story-asking every once in a while to keep things fresh!