Scott Benedict

Scott Benedict

Building Relationships through Conversations

Conversations are the first step in the Immediate Immersion Way. They are a way to get to know your students and build solid student relationships through the target language.

Classroom Jobs— The Secret Weapon of Classroom Management

The classroom is not just your space, but also your students' space. Giving them some responsibility in maintaining that space and contributing to the classroom as a whole can lead to better overall classroom management.

Embedded Readings - Providing the needed scaffolding for struggling readers

In this video, we'll be talking about embedded reading — providing the needed scaffolding for struggling readers.

What is one of your hidden talents?

Share your answers to this week's community question!

3 2 1 Reading-Scaffold Independent Reading with Whole-class Novels

Using my 3-2-1 Reading Strategy, students will be less reliant on the teacher for comprehension and will be well on their way to comprehending longer text on their own.

We Build Relationships through Email

Email is a great way to establish and maintain great relationships with both. Writing weekly update emails to both your parents and your students builds authentic relationships while keeping everyone in the loop.