Scott Benedict
As language teachers, we know that our students have different learning styles and abilities. By providing comprehensible input in a variety of ways, we can cater to the diverse needs of our students and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn and succeed.
This week's question of the week: If you had three wishes what would they be?
Are you tired of the same old, boring ways to assess your students' comprehension of a text? Look no further than Smash Doodles! In this video, I will introduce you to the exciting world of Smash Doodles.
Looking for a fun and engaging way to review content with your students? Check out Back At'Cha! In this fast-paced game, teams earn points for adding sentences to a summary and putting them in the correct order.
In this video, we'll be discussing how to balance L1 and L2 in the language classroom.
This week's question of the week: What would be one of the first things you would do if you became president?