Scott Benedict
3-2-1 Reading is a variation of whole-class reading that slowly scaffolds reading as students go from whole-group reading to paired reading and finally to independent reading.
As a teacher, there's nothing more frustrating than students who hold side conversations during the lesson. And if we don't nip it in the bud, it will spread throughout our classroom and infest even the best of students.
One of my favorite activities to do in class is called Write & Discuss. It's an activity that I do at least once a week. I love it because it's so versatile, requires little to no planning, and can be used in conjunction with so many other activities that I do in my classroom.
Students already face so much negativity in their lives each and every day. We may not be able to change everything, but we can add a bit of positivity to each and every student!
With comprehensible input, input is the key to language acquisition. But input alone cannot tell us much about a student's proficiency. For that, we need to measure how well a student writes and speaks the language. Today we're going to talk about creating a writing program in your classroom.
Building a compelling, comprehension-based curriculum is both a rewarding and a tremendous undertaking. But it is well worth the effort and is so much better than any of the cookie-cutter textbook options. Here are the 5 steps I use to build a compelling CI curriculum.